November has been another big month for everyone, but despite that, there’s still been lots of awesome writing from the
community.We had our 4th online catch-up on Thursday night, and it’s fast becoming my favourite night of the month, as we discuss the motivations behind our writing, and share what’s next.
So without further ado, let's meet a new writer to the team and recap everyone’s great work.
This month, we welcomed Sports Message Therapist
who writes to the team. New to writing, Clare has already done some great posts, with her recent one about Sustainable Living and a young upcycling Tik-Tok’er taking the cake.I’ve been fortunate enough to have known Clare for nearly a decade after getting many sports massages from her during my times at the Brumbies, and it’s great to finally get to know her on a personal level. Clare’s goal for her writing is to get people to talk about the unspoken, which I think is awesome and something we need more of.
Welcome Clare!
Matt Breen aka Mr.
has somehow been on fire lately with his writing, particularly his Open Source Thinking blogs, to which wrote a great reply.Breeny also introduced Clare to the Running 4 Resilience in Meet the Runners, and it’s inspiring to see how much his writing has improved, despite having so much on his plate.
hit 30 weeks sober and shared his entry into the SBS Emerging Writers Competition but won’t tell us what he won! C’mon Sammo. No need to be modest. shared how November was really tough, and his struggles prompted him to start seeing a Psychologist again.And but certainly not least,
has also been on fire with his writing and running, as his preparations ramp up for his 100km race in December. It’s great to see his hard work starting to pay off, and good luck in Kozzie mate!Thanks for reading.
Welcome to the crew Clare. 🙌