Welcome to another edition of Writing 4 Resilience (W4R): your monthly digest of some of the best writing happening in the Running 4 Resilience community.
Writing 4 Resilience started when a group of runners from
started sharing their stories via personal blogs, and they found that writing about their struggles not only helped process them, but also helped some readers who could relate to their struggles.Incredibly, the writers of W4R now have a combined 1401 subscribers, and we’ve started tracking this number as a group because we believe that writing is a team sport, and that by working together as a team, we can achieve more and create better work than we could individually.
It also helps us to motivate and inspire each other to continue writing and improving our skills, and we can’t thank you enough for subscribing here or to one of our blogs.
On behalf of the Writers of Resilience, I hope you have a great Christmas break with family and friends, and we look forward to sharing more great writing in the new year.
Just. Keep. Writing.
Matt, Sam, Tim, Nick, Brent, Clare and Ben.
PS: As a Christmas gift, here is David Perell’s incredible blog "The Ultimate Guide to Writing Online" which was written to help anyone improve their writing skills and succeed in the digital world.
Great to be a part of it. I truly believe that writing is a cheat code: it helps you comprehend whatever you’re thinking about (shopping list, rough day, party planning... whatever!), it gets stuff out of your head to pay attention to more/other, and this process improves over time.
If as many people journaled as they did exercised, I think the strain on the mental health sector would be significantly reduced.